DVDFab Platinum 3200 Final 英文正式版(視頻轉檔軟體)
September 25th, 2007
DVDFab Platinum Updated!
* New: Brand new "PathPlayer" technology to remove latest DVD copy
"PathPlayer" gives DVDFab the ability to copy DVD content only allowed to
be played on a real DVD player. In this way, DVDFab will ignore unplayable
content which may contain copy protection.
Please note when "PathPlayer" is enabled, opening a DVD may need up to
several minutes, which is much longer than before.
* New: Added setting options for "PathPlayer".
* New: Added support for a new copy protection as found on "Blade: House of
Chthon", (US).
* New: Added support for a new copy protection as found on "88 Minutes", (R2,
* New: Added support for a new copy protection as found on "Bridge to
Terabithia", (R2, German).
* New: Added support for a new copy protection as found on "Curse of the
Golden Flower", (R2, UK).
* New: Removed unreferenced VTS and PGC for cleaner DVD structure and
better compression.
* New: Brand new "DVD to Mobile" framework which gives DVDFab the ability
to take the power of dual core (or more cores) CPU. Our test shows the H.
264 encoding on dual core system speeds up to 200%.
* New: "DVD to Mobile" feature uses a lot of of open source libraries, like
FFmpeg, x264, xvid, liba52, faac, lame, etc. DVDFab is compatible with open
source GPL/LGPL license, and thanks for the help of open source community.
* New: Program and installer are signed now for security.
* New: Updated language files.
DVDFab Platinum v6.0.7.0 Final 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(輕鬆製作完美DVD備份的工具軟體)
DVDFab Platinum 3180 Final 英文正式版(視頻轉檔軟體工具軟體)
URexsoft uRex DVD Ripper Platinum v2.5 英文正式版(視頻轉檔軟體)
Nidesoft DVD to AVI Converter Platinum v5.6.28 英文正式版(DVD視頻快速轉換成AVI軟體)
Vista Codec Package v5.1.4 Final 繁體中文正式版(可以播放各式各樣多媒體的工具)
Anvsoft Any DVD Cloner Platinum v1.2.0 英文正式版(功能全面的視頻編輯和轉換軟體)
TTPlayer v5.79.110307 Final 千千靜聽 繁體中文/簡體中文/英文正式版(是一款小巧精緻、操作簡捷、功能強大的特點,深得用戶喜愛,被網友評為十大優秀音樂播放軟體)